DETOX / Anti Aging Diet
Stay fit, stay healthy, Stay YOUNG!!!
Service Description
The fact of life is --> "Everyone wants to look young, stay young and energetic" ... The truth of life is --> "We never pay attention to our body, abuse it by eating unhealthy food, taking unnecessary stress and inculcating incorrect habits"... The result for life is --> Unhealthy us feeling constantly stressed, tired and fatigued. We need to awaken ourselves, rejuvenate ourselves and bring back that strength and flexibility in the body and the mind to feel and act relaxed and balanced. Focus of the DETOX and Anti ageing diet is to bring back this "awakening" in you to follow a disciplined food routine and ensure intake of "right" amount of nutrition while not losing the fun element in the same... having "cheat" days and "cheat" foods ensuring that the food, the diet and the nutrition journey of removing toxins from the body, improving the gut health is fun filled and relaxed.... Healthy gut shows up on your glowing face and your energetic movements. As always, it is a journey.... - Examination of the current body situation (Medical Reports & Health Parameters) - One to one consultation - Work on a plan of action - Regular follow-ups - Progress Tracking and a Young, Enthusiastic, Energetic you ready to embrace all the beautiful life!!!!

Contact Details
Red Apple Wellness Diet Center Red Apple Wellness Diets, Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India